Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Kreative Creative Is 1 Month Old

I have been a avid visitor and follower of  Smashing Magazine, Carsonified and Abduzeedo for a long time. I started this blog back in 2008, I felt I can produce something interesting for design community, however, I failed to produce such stuff at that time. During the first attempt, the blog didn’t really get a lot of visitors.

I restarted to it on 31st of December 2010 with a new energy & experience, I published a post entitled Handpicked Amazing "New Year 2011" Wallpapers Collection and this post garnered a lot of attention. Since then, the blog has continued to grow week after week. We’ve had some great statistics that I will show you in just a bit.

However, The blog received a lot of criticism from my fellow designers because it is running on Blogger, which is infamous for hosting 90% spam blogs on its platform. They are right about it, because myself used to ignor URL's containing blogspot.

So, Insha'Allah (Deo volente) I will soon transfer it on a better platform most prolly on a Wordpress. Because I have little command over it, and have few experiences of designing and managing Wordpress blogs.

I will try to publish more standard article's will invite guest writers and if I started to make some money from it, will pay the writers.

Here are some stats, for last 31 days !

A big thanks to everyone !
I’m thankful to everyone for the tweets, facebook shares, Like's, digging, bumps, stumbles and for the different ways that you have spread the word about Kreative Creative and I wish you will continue to do.

Thanks once again !

Shikeb Ali Founder Kreative Creative
be with me on facebook and twitter


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